Sandra Erickson, interior designer
“Color sets the mood.”
Sandra Erickson has over 30 years experience creating energizing and colorful home interiors for a variety of clients.
Sandra’s upbringing in Chicago, with the influence of the museums and Chicago Art Institute, as well as her travels in Europe, set her on the path to become the artist she is today. With a degree in Art from the University of Puget Sound, you’ll often find Sandra in her studio working with clay, designing one-of-a-kind pieces that reflect the beautiful Pacific Northwest, where she raised her family before moving to Surprise, Arizona.
While Sandra’s personal style is eclectic, she uses her artistic grounding in color, balance and harmony to help her clients express their own style in their surroundings. Sandra’s specialty is the couple who have very different points of view. She asks a lot of questions as she gets to know each client, their home, their budget and their lifestyle. Just as importantly, Sandra listens and observes. Whether working with one room or an entire home, she involves her clients every step of the way. It’s no wonder they quickly warm to her respect for their ideas and the creative and cost-conscious solutions she brings to design challenges. Invariably, when a project wraps up, you’ll hear both husband and wife saying, “I didn’t know you could do this!” and “It feels so comfortable!”
Call Sandra at 253-468-7981 or email her at